The thin muscle under the lungs and heart that separates the chest from the abdomen, called the diaphragm Nearby tissues or organs, such as the kidney T4: The tumor is any size and has grown into any of the following: It has grown into the area around the adrenal gland but has not spread to nearby organs. T2: The tumor is larger than 5 cm and has not grown outside the adrenal gland. T1: The tumor is 5 cm or less and has not grown outside the adrenal gland. TX: The primary tumor cannot be evaluated. Specific tumor stage information is listed below. Some stages are also divided into smaller groups that help describe the tumor in even more detail. A centimeter is roughly equal to the width of a standard pen or pencil. Tumor size is measured in centimeters (cm). Using the TNM system, the "T" plus a letter or number (0 to 4) is used to describe the size and location of the tumor. Here are more details on each part of the TNM system for adrenocortical carcinoma. The stage provides a common way of describing the cancer, so doctors can work together to plan the best treatments. This section covers the standard staging system for adrenocortical carcinoma, which includes 4 stages: stages I through IV (1 through 4). The results are combined to determine the stage of cancer for each person. Metastasis (M): Has the cancer spread to other parts of the body? If so, where and how much? Node (N): Has the tumor spread to the lymph nodes? If so, where and how many? Tumor (T): How large is the primary tumor? Where is it located? Doctors use the results from diagnostic tests and scans to answer these questions: One tool that doctors use to describe the stage of a tumor is the TNM system. There are different stage descriptions for different types of tumors. Knowing the stage helps the doctor recommend what kind of treatment is best and can help predict a patient’s prognosis, which is the chance of recovery. Staging may not be complete until all tests, or even the surgical removal of the tumor or adrenal gland, are finished. Staging is a way of describing where the tumor is located, if it is cancerous, if or where it has spread, and whether it is affecting other parts of the body.ĭoctors use many diagnostic tests to find out the tumor’s stage. ON THIS PAGE: You will learn about how doctors describe a cancerous tumor’s growth or spread.